Adding Spunk to Your Marriage

Emily Brems, LMFT & Vicki Templeton MCFC Master’s Intern

Do you find yourself wondering, "Is this it?" After years of marriage, sometimes we get stuck in the doldrums of daily routine, and life feels mundane and lifeless. Learn how to add vitality and vibrancy to your marriage, possibly in ways that came naturally while dating, but also by discovering what makes you and your partner feel invigorated and alive today.

The first Friday evening of October, November, and December from 7-8:30.

To reserve your spot for the Fall Session, the full session fee of $200 is due up front.

Fall Session

October 7th

November 4th

December 2nd

Winter Session

Jan. 12, 19, 26

Feb. 9, 16, 23

(Not yet open to join)

Spring Session

April 6, 13, 20

May 4, 11, 18

(Not yet open to join)